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Official Case Application
Case Solving Flow
If any of:
- Exchange Product Policies
- Code of Ethics
- ER Principles
Are violated and it was not possible to come to agreement between parties, please, fill in official case application and send it to ECB of AIESEC entity you that assisted with your application.
Below there is a scheme of step by step actions recommended in case you faced violations of XPP, Code of Ethics and ER Principles.
Please, make sure that all pre complaint steps are done before filing an Official Case.
Entity Control Board (ECB) Contacts
In case you faced violations of XPP, Code of Ethics and ER Principles, you can approach the ECB of your home entity.
Please find their contacts in the excel below.
What's next?
1. You can send a consultancy request via email requesting recommendation of actions on the situation,
2. Submit a filled in Official Case Application in order to proceed with a case.
In the case, you are not getting answer from ECB, please approach the Internal Control Board via email:
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